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Are You Ready for Accident Season? Check Your Car Insurance Policy in Nova Scotia

Summers months see an increase in car accidents. With more people on the roads and all of the weekend events going on during the warmer months, drivers tend to exhibit more high-risk behaviours.

According to an article posted by CBC News in 2013, the leading causes of fatal crashes in the country were:

  • 33% Distracted Drivers

  • 31% Speeding

  • 26% Alcohol-Related

  • 10% Other Factors

It wouldn’t be surprising if these figures have steadily increased since then. The percentage of distracted drivers engaging in texting and talking on the phone has certainly gone up.Car insurance in Nova Scotia can be higher for some drivers due to their high-risk driving habits. From weekend parties and BBQs to friendly gatherings, there is an increase in the number of accident victims (and fatalities) due to drinking and/or texting while driving in Halifax during the summer months.

  • How to Stay Safe this Summer & Adequately Covered by Your Car Insurance

  • You cannot control the habits of others, but there are things you can do to protect yourself and loved ones, including:

  • Never Drink and Drive - Not only will your car insurance go up if you are caught, but you risk the lives of everyone in your car and on the Halifax roads when you get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.

  • Do Not Let Teens Drive Unsupervised Late at Night - A large majority of teenage driving fatalities happen after midnight. For inexperienced drivers, limit their driving hours in the evening and keep strict curfews.

  • Put Down Your Phone - Texting and talking on the phone should not be permitted at all while driving. If you need directions to a party, pull over and call the host, but do not text or talk on your way.

  • Always Wear Seatbelts - If you are carpooling a large number people to a social gathering, only fit those who can sit in your vehicle with a seatbelt. Then, make sure everyone actually uses their seatbelt before you drive.

Does your car insurance policy in Nova Scotia adequately cover you in the event of an accident? Are you paying too much for high-risk car insurance in Halifax? Contact Eisenhauer Insurance today for a no-obligation insurance assessment. Call us at 902-454-5888 to get started or request a quote online. Return to main blog page

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